How to Write Killer Hooks to Capture Your Reader

fishing hook on grayish green background

Have you ever been reading a book or watching a movie and found yourself instantly captivated by the first few lines or scenes? Every writer strives for that feeling of being hooked and wanting to continue experiencing the story! But what makes a good hook? This article will discuss how to create an effective hook. … Read more

How to Craft a Perfect Story: 7 Writing Tips

Write your story spelled out in colorful block letters

Storytelling is as old as humanity itself. The history of writing goes from telling fairy tales around a campfire to sharing experiences on social media. Stories have always drawn people in. And for good reason! Stories connect people and transport them into an entirely different world. This can be a place of action and reaction, … Read more

Video Game Writing Jobs -Get Paid to Play Games

white keybooard, mouse and video game controller on awhite table

Do you love playing video games and writing? Did you know there are video game writing jobs out there? As any gamer knows, video games are more than just entertainment. They’re complex works of art that involve a great deal of time, effort, and skill to create. They require a team of talented individuals to bring … Read more