Video Game Writing Jobs -Get Paid to Play Games

Do you love playing video games and writing? Did you know there are video game writing jobs out there?

As any gamer knows, video games are more than just entertainment. They’re complex works of art that involve a great deal of time, effort, and skill to create. They require a team of talented individuals to bring them to life. One member of that team is the writer.

Video game writing is an engaging and lucrative field. If you have the skills, there’s no reason you can’t break in and become a video game writer yourself.

If you’re interested in getting into the industry, keep reading! You will learn all about gaming writing.

You’ll get tips on starting in video game writing and the skills needed. We’ll cover where to look for jobs and what you can expect once you land a job.

So read on and start your journey into this exciting industry. You may even work on the next big blockbuster game!

Video game writing jobs do you have what it takes? 2 remotes in background

What is a video game writing job?

Video game writing is a term that covers a wide range of activities.

Some people may see video games as a simple form of entertainment. There is a lot of writing involved in their development.

From the first concept and storyboarding to the finished product, video game writing plays a crucial role in the gaming industry.

Just like movies and TV shows, video games require scripts, dialogue, and other written content. Most times, the writer is the one who fleshes out the game’s characters and surroundings. This creates the foundation upon which the rest of the team can build.

Other aspects of gaming writing jobs:

They also work with the designers to ensure that someone integrated key plot points into the gameplay.

In addition, game developers often produce extensive guides and documentation to help players get the most out of their experience. A game writer might write a detailed strategy guide complete with maps and secrets.

And with the growing popularity of gaming culture, there’s also a need for writers who can produce interesting reviews and articles about the latest releases.

No matter what type of writing they do, video game writers share a common love of gaming. They also have a keen understanding of the mechanics of how games work. This allows them to create interesting content that will appeal to other gamers.

Video game writers are an essential part of the gaming community, whether they are crafting an epic tale or sharing their thoughts on the latest release.


What types of video game writing jobs are available? 

The video game industry offers a variety of writing jobs for gamers who want to use their passion for gaming to earn a living.

One of the most common types of writing jobs in the video game industry is writing scripts for video games. Video game scriptwriters create the dialogue and storyline for games.

Besides writing scripts, video game writers also create character profiles, design puzzles, and develop gaming strategies.

Sometimes, they may create marketing materials, such as trailers and website content.

Some writers in the gaming industry create reviews and previews of upcoming video games. They publish these articles in gamer magazines and on gaming websites.

While most video game writers work full-time, some freelance opportunities may also be available.

Some typical video game writer jobs:

  • Strategy guide writer
  • Freelance video game writer
  • Marketing writer for gaming
  • Creative writer of stories
  • Product manuals writer
  • Video gamer guides (levels and goals)

video gamer playing game

What skills do you need to get a job writing for video games? 

To get a job writing for video games, a few skills are needed. Foremost, you need to be a gamer yourself. You also need to have excellent writing skills. Video games have come a long way since the early days of console gaming! But one thing has remained constant- the need for interesting stories.

A successful video game writer must be able to capture the imagination of gamers and transport them to another world. They must be able to create believable characters and craft unforgettable storylines. They do what all talented writers do: tell a good story!

Besides strong writing skills, video game writers need to understand what makes games fun and how to keep players engaged.

Other skills

They must also be able to work within the constraints of the medium, crafting scripts the game’s developers can realistically bring to life.

To break into this field, it’s helpful to have a strong understanding of gaming culture and trends, as well as experience in writing interesting stories.

It also helps to be a team player, able to collaborate with the developers. If you have these skills, then you may just have what it takes to write for video games!

Helpful skillset for success in video game writing jobs:

Ability to think creatively:  Be prepared to come up with interesting ideas for new games with intriguing stories, plots, and characters.

Research: Investigation of certain topics needs to be done so information presented in a game is correct. Good research in some genres of games is a must to make them engaging and realistic.

Good communication skills: This skill is important because many projects in the gaming world require collaboration. A team effort is involved so it’s important to be a team player!

Ability to solve problems: You need to be ready to fix issues that might crop up during the development of a game.

Technical skills: It helps to understand the technical side of things even though you’re involved in the creative side.


How to get started in applying for video game writing jobs 

There are a few steps that aspiring video game writers can take to break into the industry. First, it is important to create a portfolio of writing samples that showcase your skills in action.

These can be scripts for existing games, original stories set in a gaming universe, or reviews of games you have played.

However you choose to approach it, having a well-crafted portfolio is essential for landing writing jobs in the gaming industry.

Tips for creating a portfolio

  • Choose your best work. Don’t hesitate to include a project you’re proud of.
  • Make sure your portfolio is organized and easy to navigate whether it’s a hard copy or digital. No one wants to sift through a messy pile of papers.
  • Include a sample of your work that shows your range and versatility.

By following these tips, you can create a portfolio that will impress potential employers and open new opportunities.

You need to be able to market yourself as a writer. It’s a good idea to give yourself the title of Video Gaming Writer in your bios/ profiles, etc.

man doin viseo game writing on a PC

Where to find video game writing jobs

There are several options when it comes to finding writing jobs within the gaming industry.

First, many video game companies have their own internal writing staffs who work on creating game scripts and other written materials.

These positions can be found by searching online job boards or by directly contacting the companies themselves.

Reach out to contacts you may have in the industry – other writers, developers, or publishers. Let them know you are interested in pursuing video game writing opportunities.

You might want to start with smaller outfits or startups -especially if you don’t have a lot of experience. Consider an internship if that’s a possibility! You can get training while being paid.

Remember that the video game industry is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up to date on the latest trends and developments.

Freelancing gaming writing jobs

There are also freelance writing opportunities available within the gaming industry.

And, some gamers also find success by starting their own gaming-related blogs or websites and monetizing them through advertising or affiliate links.

It takes time and effort to build up a following, but you can turn your love of gaming into a sustainable career.

 Here are a few places to look for video game writing jobs:

  • Game developer websites: Many game developers post writing jobs on their websites. It’s a good place to start your search. You can directly target the companies you’re interested in working for.
  • Job boards: There are job boards focused on gaming jobs, including gaming writing jobs. These can be a great resource, as they gather all the latest job postings in one place. Some example are: Gamasutra, ArtStation, and
  • Freelance websites: Some websites connect freelance writers with clients who need writing services. If you’re interested in pursuing freelancing, this is another choice to consider. Try looking on Indeed or Upwork.

With a bit of effort, you might find gaming writing jobs that are a perfect match for your skills and interests!

PC keyboard

Duties of a video game writer:

The responsibilities of a gaming writer vary and will depend on one’s position. Here’s a list of common responsibilities.

Day-to-day tasks may include:

  • Collaborating with programmers, designers, etc.
  • Creating storylines
  • Developing plot ideas
  • Character development and descriptions
  • Doing research
  • Scripting dialogues
  • Writing text
  • Working with designers and others on the development team
  • Keeping track of workflow
  • Editing /revising script or other related work
  • Doing testing /processing feedback

Qualifications of a gaming writer

In order to succeed in this field, a video game writer must be a good gamer with excellent writing skills. You need engaging stories to capture the imaginations of gamers and keep them coming back for more.

You should be well-versed in the different genres of video games and able to write for gamers.

While a college degree isn’t required, most video game writers have a bachelor’s degree in English, communications, or a related field.

Those interested in becoming video game writers may take courses in creative writing, screenwriting, and gaming culture. They communicate their ideas to the game developers, who will then turn those ideas into code.

Besides strong writing abilities, you need to understand the gaming industry and gamer culture. It is important to know what types of games are popular among gaming enthusiasts.

Game writers often get on-the-job training when starting a new job. They will be introduced to the work process, the style of writing expected, etc. They may need to learn the specifics of the software being used.

back of head shot of gamer with headphones

The benefits of having a video game writing job

There are many benefits to having a career writing for video games. Gamers are always looking for innovative gameplay experiences. This means there’s always a demand for fresh scripts and ideas!

As a writer, you can bring your vision to life as a video game!

Also, writing for video games can be a great way to flex your creative muscles and try out new ideas.

A career writing for video games can be a rewarding experience for any gamer. You can immerse yourself in your favorite games, shaping stories and characters players will remember for years to come.

If you’re looking for a challenging and rewarding career, writing for video games may be the perfect choice!

What you can expect from a video game writing career?

Writing for video games can be an exciting and fulfilling way to use your creativity and love of gaming. If you’re considering a career in video game writing, here are some things to expect:

  • Foremost, you can expect to spend a lot of time playing video games! It may sound like a dream for some, but it is essential to the job.
  • In order to write believable and interesting stories for games, you need to have a deep understanding of the medium. It’s important to know what kind of gaming experiences players like. That’s why part of your job will be to play (and re-play) many different games, noting what works and what doesn’t.
  • You may work with designers and writers. Creating a video game is a collaborative effort, so you’ll need to communicate your ideas and work well with others.
  • To create unforgettable gaming experiences, you can work with some of the best developers.
  • Becoming a video game writer is no simple task. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to craft an interesting story that can stand up to the scrutiny of hardcore gamers.
  • Career writing for video games can be rewarding if you are willing to challenge yourself!

How much do video game writers make?

Video game writers might not be in as high demand as others working in the gaming industry. It is possible to make a good living in this field with a median salary of $70,000.

It’s important to keep some factors in mind when looking at your own earnings potential, such as location, experience, and education.

Below is a chart from showing the average salaries of gaming writers.

chart of video game writer salary

Have you ever considered a career in video game writing? There has been an increase in the number of video game writers. It’s an exciting and growing industry with opportunities for talented writers.

We hope the article gives you an idea of the job and how to find work. A career as a video game writer could be the perfect fit for you if you’re passionate about gaming and have a knack for storytelling!

Are you ready to start your career as a video game writer? If so, I wish you all the best!  Do you have questions or tips to share with our readers? Let me know in the comments below.

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