Entry-Level Writing Jobs – Get Ahead With 13 Great Tips

If you’re just starting out in your career, or are looking for a change, you may be wondering about entry-level writing jobs. How do you get started? What can you expect from the job market?

In this post, we’ll look at some of the best ways to break into writing and get ahead with 12 great tips. you’ll learn about what you can expect from an entry-level position.

So, whether you’re fresh out of school or have been working in another field, read on for advice on finding your perfect entry-level writing job!

What are entry-level writing jobs? 

You can find entry-level writing jobs in a variety of industries. They involve creating content for a company or organization. Common examples include writing blog posts, articles, and social media posts.

While some starting writing jobs may require basic research skills, many calls for strong writing ability and a knack for creativity. Besides traditional office settings, entry-level writing jobs are found in fields such as journalism, marketing, and public relations.

With the growing popularity of content marketing, there is a need for talented writers who can produce engaging and informative materials. They expect high demand for writing jobs in the years to come.

woman pointing to words "Are you looking for an Enntry Level Job?s

Types of entry-level writing jobs

There are many types of writing positions that might be open to beginners.  Here are some of the more common writing jobs:

  • Content writer: This job involves creating content for websites, blogs, and other online platforms.
  • Copywriter: They craft advertising and marketing materials such as brochures, flyers, and email campaigns.
  • Technical writer: This type of writer will draft manuals and other types of documentation.
  • Newspaper or magazine journalist: You might be able to get an entry-level writing job working for a local media outlet. This is a great way to get your foot in the door of the publishing industry but is a bit harder to do as a beginner.

Whatever type of entry-level writing job you pursue, it’s important to have strong writing skills and the ability to adapt to various style guides.

Many believe landing an entry-level writing job is a matter of having the right connections or being in the right place at the right time. While it’s true these things can help, most people get entry-level writing jobs through hard work and perseverance.

The first step is to put together a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and abilities. Publish articles on a blog or website and submit samples to online directories for a good start. It’s time to look for writing opportunities once you have a portfolio.

This involves scouring job boards and classifieds, as well as reaching out to potential clients. It can be a lot of work, but if you’re committed to finding an entry-level writing job, the effort should pay off.

Things to keep in mind when seeking a writing job as a beginner

  • First, it is important to have a strong grasp of the basics of grammar and punctuation. Some companies may be willing to overlook minor errors. Others will not consider applicants who do not have a firm understanding of the basics.
  • In addition, it’s important to be able to write clearly and concisely. Many entry-level writing jobs require candidates to produce short pieces on a variety of topics. Being able to communicate effectively is essential.
  • Finally, it is also helpful to be familiar with different style guides, such as APA or MLA. Familiarity with these guides shows awareness of the conventions of formal writing, which can be helpful in securing an entry-level writing job.

With a few key skills and some preparation, landing an entry-level writing job can be the first step in launching a successful writing career.

Starting as a freelancer

If you’re looking for writing jobs as a beginner, a good choice might be to start with freelance work. You can search for freelance writing jobs on social media sites like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Other places to look are on freelance platforms such as Fivver, Upwork, Freelancer, and ProBlogger There is a lot of competition on these job boards, so it helps to have a strategy in place.  Also, the pay might not be great for beginners.

You can also write for content mills such as Textbroker and iWrite.  These jobs pay even less, but it might be a good place to start to gain experience.

Once you’ve found a few potential jobs, reach out to the client and see if you can negotiate a contract.

If you’re able to land a few freelance writing jobs, you might be well on your way to getting an entry-level writing job.

13 Tips to get a writing job without experience

1. Write for yourself first: The best way to get started as a writer is to simply start writing!  No experience is necessary. Write on your blog, start a personal website, or just begin journaling about whatever interests you.

The key is to get started and to keep writing regularly. As you write, you’ll naturally develop your own style and voice. The more you write, the better your chances of landing paying gigs down the road.

2. Find a niche: Once you’ve been writing for a while, it’s time to find a niche. What are you particularly passionate about? What topics do you feel most knowledgeable about?

When you focus on writing about a particular subject or industry, you’ll be able to develop a strong reputation as an expert in that area. And that will make it easier to find work as a writer.

3. Get social: Social media is a great way to connect with potential clients and editors! Start by creating profiles on sites like LinkedIn and Twitter. Actively take part in discussions and share your work with others.

4. Join relevant online communities and forums related to your niche. Getting involved in these online spaces will help you build up your network and reach out to potential customers.

5. Enter writing contests. Many times, there are no entry fees for contests. This is a great way to get your work seen by editors and other professionals in the industry. Even if you don’t win, the experience of entering will help you improve your writing skills!

Reaching out

6. Get involved with online communities of freelance writers. These can be great places to find advice and support, as well as connect with potential clients. Many of these communities offer opportunities for writers to showcase their work and get feedback from their peers.

7. Network: Attend local events or meetups related to writing or freelancing and introduce yourself to people who might help you with your career. Even if you don’t end up landing a gig right away, making connections is always valuable.

8. Guest post: Once you’ve built up a little bit of writing experience, start reaching out to popular blogs in your niche and see if they’re looking for guest contributors. Guest posting is great to get your name and work in front of a larger audience. It can also lead directly to paid work opportunities.

9. Reach out to friends and family members who might need help with writing projects. Offer to write blog posts, and articles, or even just edit and proofread their work. This will give you experience and help build up a portfolio of work.

10. Start pitching. Once you’ve got some solid writing samples under your belt, it’s time to start pitching editors and publications directly. Research the types of articles that each publication runs and tailor your pitches accordingly. If possible, try to make personal connections with editors beforehand. This can increase the likelihood that they’ll bite on your pitch.

11. Check out job boards or online classifieds websites and look for writing gigs. There are often entry-level positions available that don’t require experience. Apply for as many as you can and see if any pan out.

12. Reach out to businesses or organizations in your area that might need freelance writers. Inquire about openings. Many times, they’ll consider someone with no experience if they’re impressed by your samples or resume.

13. Be persistent: remember that success as a writer doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, hard work, and persistence. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t land paying gigs right away. Keep writing, keep pitching, and eventually, you’ll find the right fit for you!

Typewriter with New Job Chapter one typed out.

How to pitch for entry-level writing jobs as a beginner

Being a good writer is only half the battle when it comes to landing an entry-level writing job. The other half is being able to pitch yourself in a way that will convince a potential employer to take a chance on you. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

  • Research the company and figure out what kind of writing they are looking for. If you have relevant M
  • Make it clear you are willing to learn and grow as a writer. No one expects you to be perfect, but they do want to see you are eager to improve.
  • Highlight any unique skills or perspectives you can bring to the table. Whether it’s a knack for creating catchy headlines or a deep understanding of a particular industry. Anything that makes you stand out from the crowd can be used to your advantage.

Have a good resume

When it comes to applying for entry-level writing jobs, your resume is key! List relevant internships or coursework you have completed, as well as any writing samples you can provide.

If you don’t have much professional experience, it’s a good idea to highlight any extracurricular activities or volunteer work that you have done involving writing.

For example, if you have been a part of a school newspaper or blogged for a personal website, mention these experiences.

Finally, it’s always important to tailor your cover letter and resume to each specific job you are applying for. This shows you have done your research and are interested in the opportunity.

With a little effort, you can make yourself stand out from the crowd and land the entry-level writing job you’ve been dreaming of.

Colorful outdoor sign with 3 directional arrows with Jobs written on them

Where do you look for entry-level writing jobs?

  • Online job boards can be a great place to find entry-level writing jobs. They list a variety of open positions. Many job boards allow you to narrow your search by location, type of position, and other factors. This helps to find jobs that are a good match for your skills and interests.
  • Industry-specific websites can be a valuable resource when looking for writing jobs. These websites list open positions specific to the writing field, making it easier to find jobs relevant to your career goals.
  • Local businesses or organizations may need a writer. For example, many small businesses hire freelance writers to create website content or write blog posts.
  • Local newspaper or magazine. You could contact them to inquire about writing opportunities. They might have entry-level positions available.
  • General job search engines such as Indeed can be a helpful tools when searching for entry-level writing jobs. These sites have a large database of open positions, allowing you to search for jobs that meet your criteria.

With a little time and effort, you should be able to find several great sources of entry-level writing jobs.

The importance of continuing education

For those starting out, continuing education can be the difference between landing a job and being passed over. Employers look for candidates who are qualified and committed to lifelong learning in a competitive market.

In any field, but especially in writing, it is important to continue learning and growing as a professional. Five years ago what worked may not work today.

That’s why continuing education is important for writers who want to keep their skills sharp and stay ahead of the curve.

Whether it’s taking an online course, attending a conference, or reading industry news, continuing education helps writers stay up to date on the latest trends.

How much can entry-level writers earn?

earnings graph for content writers

When it comes to entry-level writing jobs, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Salaries vary depending on the industry, company, and the writer’s experience and skills.

Although entry-level writers may not have a lot of experience, they can still earn a living wage. The median income for entry-level writers according to Ziprecruiter is around $39,000 per year.

There is a lot of variation in how much a writer makes. For example, some writers may only earn a few thousand dollars per year, while others may earn six-figure incomes.

Woman with briefcase leaping acroos a chasm against a sunset backdrop to boulder with "Job" sign.

If you’re looking for a way to start your career in writing, consider applying for an entry-level writing job. These jobs are a great way to get started in the industry and learn the ropes. Writing is a skill that can be used in a variety of settings, from businesses to schools to media organizations.

There are a few things you’ll need to do to get started. First, it’s important to develop your writing skills. Brush up on the basics in order to be considered for a writing job.

Have a portfolio and resume ready before searching for jobs on online platforms or directly with businesses. Network! This will help you find potential clients. Never stop learning – this gives you an edge over other job-seekers.

Good luck if you search for an entry-level writing job!

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