Web Copywriting- Get it Right With 11 Tips

Copywriting for the web differs from other kinds of writing. You must think about how people read online and use that knowledge to craft your words that will capture their attention and get them to take action.

In this post, we’ll discuss some basics of web copywriting and how to get it right with 11 tips, including how to write headlines, create effective calls to action, and more.

If you’re looking to improve your website’s copy, read on!

Table of Contents

1. Write headlines that pack a punch 

A good headline is essential for any piece of web copywriting. The headline is often the first thing a potential reader sees. And if it isn’t catchy or interesting, they’re likely to move on to something else.

What makes a good headline? A good headline should be attention-grabbing and relevant to the article. It should also be brief, clear, and to the point.

Writing headlines that grab attention is tricky. You want to be clear, concise, and interesting while avoiding cliches.

A good headline will make readers want to learn about what you have to say, without giving too much away.

Pick a good headline

Here are a few tips for writing good web headlines:

  •  Use strong keywords that accurately describe your content. This will help your headline show up in search results.
  •  Keep it short and sweet. Shorter headlines are easier to read and remember.
  •  Be creative! Don’t be afraid to experiment with puns or play on words.
  •  Ask a question or make a statement that will pique readers’ curiosity.
  •  Avoid using vague words like “amazing” or “unbelievable.” Be specific about what makes your content worth reading.

With a little practice, you’ll be writing catchy headlines that draw readers in and leave them wanting more!

2. Keep your content concise

One of the best pieces of advice for writing copy is to keep it concise. This may seem like a paradox, but conciseness is the key to effective communication.

Being brief and to the point ensures that your message is clear and easy to understand. It also makes it more likely that your reader will read through your entire piece, rather than skimming it or skipping parts that seem tedious.

That doesn’t mean that you should sacrifice clarity or quality, but it means you should avoid unnecessary phrases and flowery language.

This makes your writing more efficient, and it will make it more effective. After all, your goal is to communicate your message, not to impress people with your vocabulary.

Ease of reading

No one enjoys reading a wall of text, no matter how well written. When you’re writing copy for the web, it’s important to keep things easy to read. That means using short sentences, an active voice, and clear language.

Breaking up your text with headlines, subheads, and images can also help to make your content more digestible.

And while you don’t want to sacrifice quality for brevity, remember that people are often scanning web pages rather than reading them word for word.

If you’re conveying the most important information, you’re in good shape!

3. Write for your target audience

It’s important to remember who your target audience is when you’re writing copy for your website. Write in a way that appeals to them, using language and tone that they’ll understand and resonate with.

If you’re not sure who your target audience is, take some time to define it. Once you know who you’re writing for, it will be much easier to craft copy that appeals to them. Every audience is different, and what works for one group may not work for another. Tailoring your message to your target audience will help ensure that they keep reading.

So, before you write, take a few minutes to think about who you’re writing for and what they need to know. What are their pain points? How can you help them?

Once you have a good understanding of your audience, you’ll be able to write more effectively and engage them in whatever it is you’re trying to say.

Check out this post for more ideas!

4. Use active voice for web copywriting

Using an active voice will make your copy more engaging and easier to read. Passive voice often sounds awkward and can be hard to understand. It’s best to avoid it when possible.

For example, “The ball was thrown by John” is passive voice, while “John threw the ball” is an active voice. Active voice is more direct and concise, making it easier for readers to follow along.

Sentences in active voice have more impact and are more persuasive. As a result, it’s best to use active voice.

Best practices for web copywriting

There are exceptions to this rule, but active voice is a sound choice for clear, effective writing.

When you use an active voice, your writing will have a more natural rhythm and flow. Readers will follow your ideas and will be more likely to remember what you’ve written.

While there’s nothing wrong with using passive voice occasionally, too much of it can make your writing sound weak and unclear.

Next time you’re proofreading work, keep an eye out for passive voice and switch them to active. Your readers will thank you for it!

5. Use persuasive language

When writing copy for your website, it’s important to use language that will persuade people to act.

Whether you want them to buy a product, sign up for a newsletter, or download a white paper, your copy should convince enough to get them to take the desired action.

It’s no secret that people are influenced by words that are used to describe something. Think about how differently you would react to “apples for sale” versus “fresh, locally-grown apples.”

Impactful copywriting

The same is true for persuasion. The language you use has a big impact on how convincing your argument is.

Positive words like “love” or “joy” have better chances of leading to compliance than neutral or negative words like “obligation” or “guilt”..

To be persuasive, use language that will convince your audience to see things your way. This means using clear, concise, and logical wording.

Make sure your argument is well-reasoned and supported by evidence. For persuasion, the more convincing you make your case, the better!

Some persuasive language techniques you can use include:

  •  Asking questions
  •  Using strong verbs
  •  Making statements
  •  Offering benefits

Keep these tips in mind when you sit down to write web copy. By following these best practices, you can create an informative and persuasive copy. This will help you achieve your business goals!

blocks spelling power

6. Use power words

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. Whether you’re trying to sell a product or get your point across, using powerful words can help you stand out from the crowd.

Power words are words that pack a punch. They’re attention-grabbing and often have a positive connotation. When used correctly, they can make your writing more engaging and persuasive.

They’re often used in headlines and calls-to-action, as they can be very effective in grabbing attention and getting people to click.

If you want your web copy to be more persuasive, try using some power words. Use them sparingly to avoid coming across as cheesy or over-the-top.

Some examples of power words include:

  •  Amazing
  •  Incredible
  •  Unique
  •  Guaranteed
  •  Free

The next time you’re stuck for something to say, reach for a power word. Surprise yourself with the difference a power word makes!!


7. Focus on benefits, not features

It’s more important than ever to focus on the benefits of a product or service, not just the features.

With many choices available, customers are looking for the best value for their money. They want to know how your product or service will make their lives easier.

For example, if you’re selling a new type of vacuum cleaner, don’t just list the features. Describe how it will help them clean their house more quickly.

If you’re selling a new type of software, don’t just list the features. Describe how it will save them time and make their work more efficient.

When you focus on benefits in your copywriting, you’ll be more likely to capture the attention of potential customers and close the sale.

8. Use visuals wisely

array of photosWhen creating web copy, it’s important to use visuals. A well-chosen image can break up a long block of text, draw attention to an important point, or add visual interest. However, using many images, or choosing large busy ones, is counterproductive. It can make your page look cluttered and harder for readers to focus on the text.  When in doubt, less is more for web copywriting and visuals. If using photos, be sure to choose images that are high-quality and well-composed. And always use Alt tags to describe your visuals for those who cannot see them.

Consider the following when choosing visuals for your website: 

  •  Does the visual support the copy?
  •  Is the visual relevant to the topic?
  •  Is the visual engaging?
  •  Is the visual easy to understand?

If you can answer “yes” to these questions, the visual is a good choice for your website. If not, choose another visual to better support your copy.

9. Edit ruthlessly 

Any talented writer knows that editing is essential to the writing process. However, with web copywriting, editing is even more important!

Web readers have a short attention span, so it’s essential to make sure that copy is clear and concise. That means cutting out unnecessary words or phrases and ruthlessly trimming down lengthy paragraphs.

Every sentence has a purpose, and every word contributes to the overall message. By taking time to edit your web copy, you ensure your readers will read and understand what you’re saying.

Before you publish your copy

It’s helpful to read your copy aloud. This helps you spot awkward phrasing or unclear sentences.

It’s also a good idea to have someone else read your copy. They may spot errors you’ve missed.

Once you’ve edited your copy, proofread it one last time to make sure there are no grammar or spelling errors. Then, you can be confident your web copy is ready to be published!

By taking time to edit your work carefully, you’ll ensure that your readers have the best possible experience!

CTA with arrows pointing

10. Make use of strong calls to action

An important aspect of effective web copywriting is the use of strong calls to action, (CTAs).

A call to action is an instruction to the reader telling them what you want them to do. It should be clear, concise, and easy to follow!

An effective call to action prompts the reader to take an action beneficial to you or your business.

For example, a call to action might tell the reader to “click here to learn more about our products.” if selling a product, the call to action might be “Buy now!”

By including a strong call to action in your web copy, you encourage readers to take the next step in their journey.

Things to keep in mind when writing CTAs 

  •  Make sure the CTA applies to the content
  •  Use strong and persuasive language
  •  Use action words that encourage people to take immediate action
  •  Keep the CTA short and to the point

By following these tips, you can create CTAs to encourage people to take the actions you want them to on your website. Find more tips here!

11. Test your web copy

As any copywriter knows, testing is essential to writing effective web copy. It will help you understand what works and what doesn’t. It also allows you to fine-tune your message for maximum impact.

Once you’ve written and edited your web copy, it’s important to test it to see how it performs. Doing A/B testing is an effective way to test the performance of content.

It involves creating two versions of a page or headline (Version A and Version B) and testing to see which one performs better.

How to test your web copy

You’ll need to choose a metric to track, such as a click-through rate or conversion rate. You send traffic to both versions of the page and see which one performs better. Once you’ve found the winning version, you can implement it on your website.

To get the most out of testing, it’s important to use a variety of methods, including A/B testing, user testing, and analytics.

By combining these approaches, you get a well-rounded picture of how your copy is performing and make changes to improve your results.

If you’re serious about writing effective web copy, don’t forget to test!

man with graph/ test

So, what are the key takeaways? First, to write effective web copy, you need to focus on your audience and their needs.
Next, be clear and concise in your writing. And use powerful words and phrases that will grab your readers’ attention.

By following these practices, you can create content that’s both informative and engaging. Take some time to brainstorm how you can improve your own web copy.

Don’t forget to keep these tips in mind the next time you write!

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