Upwork Content Writing -Get Started Now!

In today’s digital world, there are a few ways to find freelance writing jobs. Upwork is a popular platform where businesses and individuals can post projects and hire workers to complete them.

Upwork content writing can be a good way for content writers to get started in the industry. It is useful for those who want to build on their existing writing experience. An Upwork content writer can find both long-term and short-term projects through a variety of gigs such as writing blog posts, technical reports, e-books, or marketing copy.

Whether you’re looking for a one-time project or something more ongoing, Upwork is a great place to start your search! In this post, we’ll show you how to find writing jobs on Upwork, as well as provide some tips on getting started.

Upwork Content Writing brick background

Getting started as an Upwork content writer

It is free to sign up for an account on Upwork, but before you start applying for jobs, you need to get accepted by the site.

After signing in, you will be taken through a series of questions so that you can set up your profile.

Upwork checks out your profile by looking at your work experience and skills. If everything looks good, they’ll send you an email letting you know whether you’re accepted. This process usually takes 24 hours.

Creating your profile on Upwork

Creating a profile that potential clients can browse can seem daunting at first, but remember that your profile is an opportunity to show off your skills and highlight your best qualities!

Since your profile is so important, take some time to fill out your profile. Include information about your skills, experience, and education. Include examples of your work. If you have any kind of certification or training, mention it. Provide as much information as possible.

Items from the Upwork profile: 

  • Contact information
  • Photo
  • Title
  • Overview
  • Education
  • Work history
  • At least one skill tag

Take some time to craft a strong profile summary. This is your chance to sell yourself to potential clients, so make it count. Use clear, concise language to explain what makes you the perfect freelancer for the job. Focus on your strengths, and how you can help the client achieve their goals.

Have a strong headline that will catch attention!  Use appropriate keywords to help in searches of potential clients.

Include links to your website or blog, as well as any relevant social media profiles in the body of your profile.

Some tips for getting accepted:

  • Use a work /professional email (no Gmail, Hotmail, yahoo, etc. addresses)
  • List as many skill subcategories of skills as you can (up to10)
  • Have a proper title – (Copywriter for Digital Marketing or Technical Writer)
  • Make sure your photo is a professional-looking headshot

man holding a page that says freelance

Short-term projects

There are different types of short-term writing projects you can find on Upwork. This means that they are generally quick and easy to complete.

For example, you could find a project that requires you to write a few blog posts or articles, or one to write an eBook or other longer pieces of content.

You might find a project that requires you to do research and write a report or create copy for an email sequence.

If you’re looking for some quick and easy writing gigs you can check out job postings at Upwork.com.

Long term projects

Upwork is also a good platform for finding long-term content writing projects. In fact, many businesses prefer to hire freelancers for ongoing projects rather than one-time services.

This is because it allows them to build a relationship with a writer and get better quality content over time. Plus, it’s often more cost-effective in the long run.

Tips for getting a long-term content writing project on Upwork:

  • Make sure your profile is up-to-date and includes relevant experience. Many clients will only consider writers who have profiles that showcase their skills and experience.
  • Take the time to read the job descriptions carefully and apply only to those you feel confident you can complete successfully.
  • Applying to too many jobs will decrease your chances of being hired and it will also reflect poorly on your profile.
  • Look at the client’s history. If they’ve posted a lot of different projects related to the same topic, chances are they’re looking for someone to write on that topic long-term.
  • If they’ve worked with a lot of different writers over time, they may be more likely to be open to hiring someone for a longer project.

Submitting proposals on Upwork

The next step is to search for writing jobs that fit your skill set. Use the Upwork job search tool to filter jobs by category, pay rate, client history, and more. You can browse through the job postings to see if any fit your criteria.

You can sign up for job notifications. This will let you know when a new job posts meets your criteria.

Unlike with most other freelance platforms, you can connect with potential clients by sending them a message or proposal.

When you find a job that looks like a good fit, apply for it by sending a proposal outlining your qualifications and rates.

Be sure to include your writing samples and links to your online portfolio in your proposal. This will give potential clients an idea of your work.

If the client likes what they see, they may invite you to an interview or even award you the job!

Cover Letter

The next step is to search for writing jobs that fit your skill set. Use the Upwork job search tool to filter jobs by category, pay rate, client history, and more. You can browse through the job postings to see if any fit your criteria. Unlike with most other freelance platforms, you can connect with potential clients by sending them a message or proposal.

When you find a job that looks like a good fit, apply for it by sending a proposal outlining your qualifications and rates. Be sure to include your writing samples and links to your online portfolio in your proposal. This will give potential clients an idea of your work.

If the client likes what they see, they may invite you to an interview or even award you the job!

Getting a job as a beginner Upwork content writer

It is difficult to get a first job as a writer on Upwork. There is also a chance you won’t be accepted on the platform.

A lot of people turn to Upwork. You are competing with them having no feedback yet. A typical 5-star rating system is used for both workers and clients after the completion of projects.

Another posted metric that Upwork uses is a JSS (Job Success Score) which is used by clients to filter applicants. They show it in every proposal. This is one reason that your profile needs to stand out!

Tips for getting that first job:

  • Have a good portfolio of at least 4 -6 samples of your work (even if they haven’t been published)
  •  Start with small jobs that don’t pay well to get some proof of your worth.
  • Include links to similar work you have done in the past.
  • Consider Including an introductory video to set yourself apart from the rest.
  • Have a business profile on LinkedIn or other platforms to provide social proof of your abilities.

Getting the second gig

If you’re fortunate, the first client that hires you may hire you again!

If not, try not to get discouraged. Start small and be willing to take on some low-paying work for the short term in order to get traction in the marketplace.

Make a habit of sending out a few proposals daily. You might get lucky and can start growing your list of completed jobs to get some positive feedback.

Tips to keep the work flowing:

  • Have a good cover letter
  • Follow the client’s instructions carefully and provide quality work
  •  Respond to client feedback promptly
  •  Communicate with clients throughout the project to ensure they’re happy with the work
  •  Finish projects on time and to the client’s satisfaction
  •  Leave positive feedback for clients once the project is complete
  •  Repeat!

Getting paid on Upwork content writing

Many factors can affect how much they pay a writer on Upwork. This includes the writer’s experience, the quality of their work, and the specificity of the project. You will have the choice of setting your own rates during the sign-up process, so don’t undersell yourself.

All said, writers can earn a decent living on Upwork. There are many high-paying writing jobs available on the platform. If a writer lands a few of these, they can make a comfortable wage. With any job, there will be difficulties and some months may be better than others.

Overall, Upwork is a good place for writers to find well-paying work. You can negotiate with customers if there’s disagreement on the amount being offered. Less reputable people are on the platform who might try to get work done for a cheap price. Beware of scammers who can be anywhere.

Fee structure for Upwork 

Upwork will take a percentage of your earnings. It’s done on a sliding scale of the total amount billed with a client. The more you work, the smaller the deduction.

Upwork will get:

  • 20% of the first $500 you bill a client
  • 10% for billings btw. $500.01 and $10,000
  • 5% for total billings over $10,000

You get paid either hourly or with a fixed price depending on the project. The fees are the same for each.

Both the hourly rate and the fixed-price payment are what’s paid before the deduction. For example, if you are charging $20 per hour for your first gig, you will actually earn $16 per hour until you get $500 from the client. Then you will earn $18.

Hourly projects

There is an Upwork app that keeps track of your progress on a job. Your Work Diary records keystrokes, clicks, scrolling, and open windows. Screenshots are also taken at regular intervals.

You can choose to turn the Work Diary off and keep track of things manually.

Using the tool helps you qualify for a service called Hourly Protection which guarantees you’re paid for completed work. It’s a good safeguard in case your customer refuses to pay you.

Fixed price projects

With this type of payment, the client sets aside an agreed-upon amount of money upfront. They set milestones, which are concrete deliverables of the finished work.

They will pay you partially when you meet these goals and fully when you complete the work.

Time to get paid pink label on burlap

How is payment made

Hourly projects are billed weekly. After the customer reviews and accepts your work, you’ll get paid 10 days (about 1 and a half weeks) after the billing period ends.

Payment for fixed-price gigs occurs when you reach your milestones and finish the work. You will set up a dispute through Upwork if you are not being fairly paid by your client.

Upwork pays freelancers through PayPal, Payoneer, direct deposit, or wire transfer

Pros and cons of Upwork content writing


  • There are many and varied writing jobs available on the marketplace. No matter what your experience level or writing style, there’s likely a project on Upwork that’s a perfect match for you.
  • It’s great to work from home or even make a living while traveling!
  • Upwork is a good place to gain foundational experience once you get past the barrier of landing that first job.
  • You are connecting with people who already want your services on Upwork. Looking for jobs there doesn’t take a lot of time.
  • Another benefit is that you can often negotiate higher rates as your skills and client list grow. You might find a client who wants your writing services on a regular basis.
  • Also, you get paid quickly and securely!


  • It’s hard to get work as a freelance writer on Upwork (especially as a beginner) due to many people on board.
  • The work may be inconsistent. It can feel like a rollercoaster ride, even for those with experience.
  • After Upwork takes their fees, you can do lots of work for little money.
  • Many freelance writers avoid Upwork due to unpleasant experiences with difficult clients trying to get away with paying as little as possible.

Upwork with woman writing in background

My advice is to give it a try f you’re thinking of freelancing as an Upwork content writer. It’s a good way to start your writing career and make some money.

Be prepared for a lot of competition and don’t expect to get rich quickly. It takes a lot of work and luck to find good clients.

If you want potential clients to see your work, build up a portfolio of writing samples.

Overall, freelance writing is a great way to make money from home while also having control over your schedule. It’s challenging to get jobs, but if you put in the effort, you might succeed!

Leave comments about your experience at Upwork if you’d like!

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